About winding and objects of winding

Winding: The process of transferring yarns from ring, bobbin, hank into a suitable package is called winding. It may be electrical or mechanical. 
Objects of winding:
         i.            To transfer yarn from one package to another suitable package, this can be conviently used for used for weaving process.
       ii.            To remove yarns fault like hairiness, naps, slabs, foreign matters.
    iii.            To clean yarn.
    iv.            To increase the quality of yarn.
       v.            To get a suitable package.
    vi.            To store the yarn. 

Process lay out of yarn manufacturing system with modern blow room line

Process lay out of yarn manufacturing system with modern blow room line:

Flow chart of wet processing for cotton and blended fabric

Wet processing: The processes used are desizing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing which are combinely called wet processing. The total wet processing can be divided into three groups. Such as:
  •  Pre-treatment process.
  • Dyeing or printing process.
  •  Finishing process.

Flowchart of wet processing for cotton fabric:

Flow chart of wet processing for blended fabric:

Some terms and definitions of yarn manufacturing

 Some terms and definitions of yarn manufacturing
Filament: Man-made fibre of very great length, e.g, several km.
Filament yarn: Man-made fibre comprising one or more filament.
Mono filament yarn: Filament yarn consisting of one filament with a thickness up-to .1mm.
Multi filament yarn: Filament yarn comprising many filaments up to 30000 tex.
Micro-fibre:The textile committee, Germany defines a micro-fibre as a fibre finer than 1.2 dtex for polyester and finer than 1.0 dtex for polyamide.
Ultra fine fibre: An ultrafine fibre is specified as a fibre of less than 0.5 d (denier)
Super ultrafine fibre: A fibre of less than 0.1 d is referred to as a super ultra-fine fibre.

Garments Production Process

Garments Production Process: 
Stepwise garments manufacturing sequence on industrial basis is given below:
Design / Sketch
Pattern Design
Sample Making
Production Pattern
Marker Making
Pressing/ Finishing
Final Inspection

Fabric structure and design

Basket design:

Diamond design:
Plain design:
Satin design:
Twill design: